Aaron Loehr

CEO and Founder

Aaron brings over 20 years of experience starting companies and building high-performing teams. Now his focus is on building a psychedelic-assisted therapy retreat center. Aaron believes medical professionals can use psychedelics to help clients “find peace” with a wide range of difficulties.  

Aaron’s interest in psychedelic-assisted therapy began in 2012 when he read about research at John Hopkins where doctors helped patients overcome end-of-life anxiety. In 2014 he left his CEO role at StrataCore to explore opportunities in the psychedelic field.  After 15 months, he concluded he was “too early” and went back to owning/running StrataCore.  In September 2022 he completed a successful asset sale of the business so he could fully focus on his dream of building a purpose-built psychedelic retreat center.

Aaron has a degree in Psychology from Whitman College and an Executive Leadership Certificate (1 year program) from Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business.   

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